Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Is Tawnee Stone Still Active


Well folks I'm here and I have finished my work (which I have welcomed:)) and tell you that I am preparing new chapter ...
also wanted to tell you that I'm a little sad that in two weeks and only 3 people have commented on the chapter (which I am very grateful:)) So please I ask that the next chapter who attempts to have it as soon as possible to comment further people.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Bunionn Surgery Wear Heel After

17 - Fiesta! (2)

tube to be me sitting on the couch guarded by Chazz to my right and my left Ryan, Chris and Caitlin in front of me. T he truth was that I felt terribly uncomfortable. But luckily my savior walked through that door.

"I told you guys that watch out that not as a criminal tratéis .- Justin stood before me and handed me a hand in my direction and I take the opportunity to pick it up and get out of my prison formed by my friends.

"Good my mother tells me that if that you can stay overnight. If in the event that Caitlin and Jen sleep in your room and we in mine .- Justin said looking at the boys.

"For my perfect .- Caitlin said standing next to me.

"And we said ..- boys.

encargáis Well ye choose the movie and Jen and I are going to make popcorn and blankets look, okay? .- Justin said.

-Perfect .- said with a smile on my face.

I had not even noticed that Justin and I were holding hands. Feeling the heat, you electrify that passed through our hands put me goosebumps. It felt special and unique. I did not want him to go on tour and did not see in months. That tour was the United States and that we could call and even see it was true, but it was not the same as having your best friend every day waiting at the door of your house to go to school together. And then, of course, still might think that I have to Chaz, Caitlin, Ryan and Chris, but they soon return to Canada. It is true that Nessa would in my course and has a higher but Logan would be the new and that I have never liked. I went through that when I moved to Atlanta and had to leave all my friends, like Justin, and has Nessa who was like my sister and me not be like anything new, but fortunately I was on tour with Justin and studying with him. And when we moved to Los Angeles that has Justin was doing better for his career and I was glad that the mother has Nessa had moved to Los Angeles, and Pattie being so nice to look for a house near where she lived before proving that Nessa's house was a house for sale, study at home that I stay the course and during the tour Justin did. But this course would be the first to a school after so long.

and Justin would not be me.

"Hey Jen, come to me and I took the blankets, help me to them on the floor porfa .- Justin said with a huge pile of blankets that covered their vision.

I took half of the great mountain and leave them in the ground. I opened the closet where we kept the popcorn and started to do in the microwave.

...- -Justin said softly.

-Jen, Is something wrong?

"No, nothing, just that I miss you when I'm at school and your tour .- said bowing his head.

Justin came to me and hug me to her breast.

"Do not be sad Jen, if you want we can ask your parents if you can come with me on tour.

"That's not Justin ...

- So tell me what is? Please.

"I want to go to school with Nessa and make new friends. But I want you in that circle of friends Justin .- I pressed closer against his chest feeling the lump in my throat that I was beginning to form.

"I know Jen, and my I also would like but know I can not. See my tour only last a month or less and then I have time only to promote my film will
United States and that's no problem so I will try to support me and you can go to school.

nodded his head for fear that Justin noticed the tremor in my voice.

"No Jen, I hear you.

"Thanks .- said in low voice, taking care not bankrupt me because of stupid lump in my throat.

"That's my girl.

We were both so focused on our embrace that we had forgotten the existence of popcorn in the microwave, so when they started to jump scare hit a boat that had given me.

Justin could only laugh as I banged him or tried to, since I took from my hands and tickled.

Justin And I'm gonna fall.

was true.

He felt like my knees were shaking and I started to fall but luckily Justin took me by the waist to keep me from falling, to my great stupidity which was already well known among my closest.

- Let you fall! -

All I could do was look at him with murderous face, "I really was saying that? When seconds before he was begging me to stop tickling me would fall to the ground?

One of these days I kill this guy.

"Do not tell me Justin, had not noticed that my knees were shaking and I was going to fall to the ground .- I said with all the sarcasm I could add my voice.

-Ha ha, funny is believed the girl .- Justin said letting go the waist and putting her arms in the form of jugs.

All I could do as a girl and I was responsible person to get the league, take a few bowls of popcorn and popcorn packages distributed in the three bowls.

help me .- I said handing a bowl of popcorn.

"But I took the blankets.

"Well do not squeeze the brain for some hard to answer that and I Are two trips and much .- I said emphasizing the word" I "for the poor of Justin with his intelligence could understand.

This time it was he who took me out the language with great responsibility and went to the room full of blankets to make an afternoon of scary movies with friends.

Upon arrival I saw that the chair had sat and Chris Ryan, Caitlin and Chazz (very close together). I gave a bowl to each couple and Justin left the blankets so that everyone could choose the one I wanted, I did not look like a little girl but I wanted the Minnie and Mikie, hehehe ...

I went to the galley to look the other bowl, and when I realized that the only free seat was next to Justin.

"Well at least if I get scared I can not hug him," I said thinking about what would have happened if I had played alongside Ryan and Chazz that would be laughing about this moment forever.

drop me next to Justin with my bowl filled to the brim with popcorn 8 had purposely echo get more popcorn for me) and I set me despite the darkness of the room, as they had off the lights, that Justin had taken my blanket Disney.

know you like this blanket, because it reminds you of your parents .- I said in a whisper in my ear that made her hair stand on end.


-Buno guys and I hope you are ready for an afternoon of fear ...- wajajaja Chaz said with a wicked laugh and gave the play.

For most of the movie was tight to the arm of Justin and when he came a part that I was really scared me tightly pressed against his chest. The truth is that there were a few squeals collective which then surely we would laugh and Ryan and Chaz would deny saying it made to appear .... Surely not, segurissimo was a big lie.

When the credits began the only we breathe more Caitlin and I were quiet, although boys were not that sad that the movie has finished. We realized that we still have some popcorn because deurante the highest course of the film were too scared to even eat something as it were our queridíssimas.

- Do we see another movie? - Asked Chazz got up to collect the DVD and keeping it in place.

"Sounds good, but they choose this time the girls .- Justin said to be as gentlemanly as he be wise.

Caitlin and I looked and then we understood and to get up and go catch our movie is more than we thought we understood one of the most romantic movies of the story and we all would mourn, even boys.

"As you know this morning Jennifer and I have always told you we wanted to see a movie in particular and you have told us this afternoon, so now is the afternoon and now we're going to see Titanic. - Caitlin said looking ahead of the boys sitting on the couch.

"Both Chris, and Ryan as Chaz became a common and sound" jooooooo ...." Justin protest less.

"It seems to me good, evil will never see a bit of drama and love ended in death as it is Titanic.

- Great! .- Caitlin said patting his hands.

She went to put the movie while I returned to my room with Justin and I hid with my blanket and hoped that Disney put the movie Caitlin. The titles and trailers from other films and Caitlin started back to his seat next to her future boyfriend Chaz, the truth is that doing good and very nice couple.

Then the most wonderful love story (apart from Romeo and Juliet) began.

In some scenes the girls SolTab a sigh, or "I wish this happen to me" or a giggle because of some comments, or even comment on the film.

But the "only" romantic began to end and part of the iceberg began.

At that time I did not care look soft, because for me this was show feelings and show what you feel. And at that moment I felt a huge lump in my throat and my eyes began to sting and fill with tears. Could not suppress the tears that began to overwhelm me with the eyes and running down my cheeks until the end of the collar of my shirt Never Say Never.

He felt like someone was sobbing next to me also to turn around a bit and I could see Justin with red eyes and tears to some traces of which still remained on her cheeks, she looked so very adorable ... I could not fight the urge to hug him tightly, which accounted for handing me the arm or above the shoulders and squeezing hard against his chest.

Then came the end when Rose throws her necklace into the sea and that's when I could not do nothing at all to contain small gotittas water ran down my cheeks.

"I never tire of seeing this movie. It always makes me mourn .- I said as I took off a few tears with the back of my hand.

Jen-I understand perfectly, as happens to me this time was Cailtin .- I speak with a hoarse voice.

-Yo, good is a nice movie ..- Ryan said sniffing and passing his hand over his eyes.

- Ryan Do not play the hero, the film makes us cry like Jen and is Caitlin, and I admit that I cried and cry whenever I see this film .- Chaz said leaning his head over that of Caitlin, which made This seemed to sigh loudly but the only person in this room full of teenagers with good hearing, I was the only person capable of having heard that sigh.

was nice to see them both there, one leaning over the other.

"I admit it, always makes me mourn the film .- Chris said wiping his snot and tears with the sleeve of his jacket.

was a little (to deny) disgusting.

"Well, excuse me girls, I would put the basquest because they play the Lakers, .- Ryan said taking command and putting the game largely sitting on the couch.

"Well, I'm going to shower. Jen where you pajamas? - Caitlin asked me pulling the blanket and stood up.

"Well ... "I thought a little .- In the second drawer of the cabinet.

"Okay, do you not upload?

"I do not stay a while here I snuggling .- a little closer to Justin.

I do not remember exactly when did I fall asleep or if I had dream, only I fall asleep in Justin's chest with his arms around me, feeling protected.

Well girls I leave this chapter that esperoo you enjoy and that is to your liking.

he also said that I will be missing two weeks because I have an important job and I like when I finished and I were to write the next chapter would make me very happy to see more of those 3 comments normalemte there ... (I'm very happy that people comment k:))

pd: I 47 fans !!!!!!!!!!!!! If we have the 50 !!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Colonoscopy With Hemorrhoids

16 - Fiesta! (1)

I could not believe ... How site was so stupid and I had been led by the boys?!

Bufff ..........

were all in the car of Justin path of the enclosure of Los Angeles where Justin would sing, and now to test it and now we were heading to throw a party.

me not to very funny ... but by friends does everything and more ....

J "Come on, Anima that face! - Justin said looking at me.

.- "If I'm happy to get me off Justin did a smile, which of course did not buy it, or that it believed finjio.

"If you say so .- Justin returned to his full concentration on driving his silver Ferrari F430.
I know .... I love cars ....

The road fast pace thanks to the constant jokes and jokes of the 3 Musketeers and that one was driving and not distract quieria. But both Ryan, Chaz, as Chris did not cut one hair at a time to make a joke. And Caitlin did not stop repeating that he had a lucky not to put up with Canada, and that if we could take her too, I laughed a lot with that comment. It is true that the boys were a little heavy but they were quite a few friends at the end of the day, and they were great.

- Here we !!!.- said Justin parked behind the compound where towards the concert.

The venue was huge! O alomejor was me that was not usual to go to places like that, and you give that Justin became famous and sought to remain anonymous because I was angry that people only know me for being Justin's friend and not be myself.

-Girls, this is great .- Chaz said staring at the huge venue.

"You see .- abrriendo Ryan said the car door and started to leave.

After leaving (or trying to get out) Justin leading us to the stage. We went through a lot of corridors and doors, that was a maze! Juss do not know how not lost ...

When we got to what was the backstage, we realized that was great, and when we hit the stage we were overwhelmed with how big it was the stage and exhibition.

"God, Bieber, as you can not sing in front of so many people .- Chris said looking around everywhere.

-Practice .- said as cool.

Chris stuck his tongue.

Then Justin disappeared from the stage. We were talking about, although most of the conversation was directed towards me and my future adoption .... I hated being the center of attention that was one of the reasons why I wanted to remain anonymous to be friends with Justin .... It was not anything else, aunuqe lllegaria knew perfectly well that one day window would no longer be anonymous as I wanted. But hey.

Justin arrived, with two bailarienes own (the recognized some concerts and rehearsals) that these two had a huge TV and Justin with six microphones.

-Guys who want a bit of karaoke? .- Said as he lifted the microphones in our direction.

-Justin dude, if you know you're going to win you, is for idiots play against you .- Chris said.

Justin made a face of disappointment.

"Come on, just for fun.

"I said .- Caitlin about to catching a bus.

"I also, I'm not losing any .- I said taking another micro and putting me by Caitlin.

lose nothing-not excepting our dignity .- Ryan said.

"Well, sorry to disappoint you guys I'm going to hit a good karaoke .- said Chaz took another microphone and bumping hands with Justin.

"Come guys, do not be a Miedico, nique I were to hang on youtube .- Just said.

"Yeah, but Justin imagine that there is some journalist closely and writes and teaches, you know that I have beautiful voice acompayado ...- Ryan said of Chris nods.

-Guys, this is surrounded by security, no one will enter.

Chris Ryan and said something between them hacerca softly and Justin to take a microphone each.

The evening was great.

We had singing and dancing.

Justin, as always, wanted to give the note and pimping of how well he sang and danced, but Chazz also danced very well. Caitlin also showed qu elements like music and has a nice voice, while Chris and Ryan were engaged to do the thousand and one crap and jokes that they pass through the head.

And I ... Well the only thing that showed me was that I did not know singing, it was a clumsy and had not yet I started piano lessons with which I had given the Jonas family for my birthday. Anyway that was a mess but at least I had fun a bit.

course all good things must end, and this also.

After spending all day on that stage singing, dancing, eating pizza, telling bad jokes and talking about when we were small and Justin was not famous. Let it was a great afternoon.

When it was already half past seven we started to collect everything he had on stage and I had to be clean as morning Justin had to rehearse for the opening concert of his tour of USA and Canada.

"Hey guys - Justin said as we entered the car and put them all heading towards the home of Justin you .- If you want you can stay overnight and so the way we set up a party of fear.

"Well, I do not think bad idea .- Caitlin said.

"Well ... Ryan said it .- a bit off.

-Ryan already know that you do not fear the movies are cool but not for a night you will die ..-
Chazz said putting a hand on his shoulder .- Me and you can count the films that scared me love.

And Jen too and of course also. Chris said, handing me an arm around the shoulder.

"Great !!!.-
Justin said without removing your eyes from the road .- When we get home call my mother and told him so.

this will not be some kind of trick to linking to the girls, no?? - Chris said Justin.

only tell you that one of those girls is Caitlin and the other is Jen.

Chris Caitlin hi we have looked at me and stared at us, but seconds later he turned and went back to sit in the co-pilot seat.

Throughout the journey not pay no attention to the jokes and comments that the boys did. I was still without being able to believe that now would have a father and a mother, adoptive, but some parents. Look at the neighborhood. The truth was A site that I loved to live. Each house with its garden with pool, some houses larger than others but just as beautiful. Upon arrival in Justin's house I noticed that the house next to it was crowded with boxes, as if making a move. They were my adoptive parents and Pattie!

Getting off the car went straight to the I figured it would be my future house to see what happened. But Justin took me by the wrist.

"You can not go see anything Jen, surprise turned to Chazz .- .- Take her home and not go and look out the window I'm going to ask mom if you can you stay overnight.

Chazz nodded and now was that I grabbed the wrist and led me inside.

hello! !
good first of all apologize for the delay and will try to finish the week before posting the next part and during the next two weeks I will be missing from the world of blogging: '((stupid school and tell
Well I hope I like the chapter and ask you please do me comenteis, since it is one thing that I love and I encourage
write more quickly kisses