Thursday, February 28, 2008

Exercise For Ulnar Nerve Entrapment

art market in Spain

viewed by your visitors
February 28, 2008 - Thursday

ARTEINFORMADO continues to publish the responses are still coming from various artistic professionals from expressing their views and proposals on the recent fair ARCO. Among them, we collect the directors of two other exhibitions in Madrid, Madrid and DeArte Art.

Answer: Gema Lazcano, director of Art Madrid

Strengths: Spain is the quintessential fair and we should all congratulate ourselves with their success. The better go Arco, the better off the art market in Spain.

Weaknesses: The distribution of stands was chaotic and not justified in any way the absence of various English galleries of unquestionable quality, which are covered by the presence of foreign galleries of very dubious quality.

Proposals: Of course they should concentrate existing fairs around the oldest and largest proposal, which is Arco. For that and for all who wish to ignore the existence of the second fair of contemporary art in Spain (both in number of visitors and number of exhibitors, and of course, by sales), I remember that Art Madrid already exists and is a fair parallel and complementary. This exhibition coincides with Arco, has already held its third edition with 59 English galleries (only 8 less than Arco) and 21 foreign, and is a reality not a project. For 2009 we will continue with a firm commitment to quality, we will be more selective with the proposals of the galleries and create a distinct space for young galleries and another different space, which will showcase the very latest art creation.

answer: Miquel Tugores, director of the gallery DionĂ­s Bennassar (Madrid) and fair
Strengths: I could not stand out.

Weaknesses: In essence, the fair is the same as in recent years. I can even add that the few selected English galleries are not very "bright."

Proposals: That the waters back on track and that half of the participating galleries are from Spain. The greatness of Arc is to be the world's most popular show and has developed into one of the best cities to be visited. For the fair, which aims to address over one hundred fifty thousand visitors and lack of economic resources and the tradition that Spain does not have. Perhaps start the beginning of the end of ARCO and that no is good for Spain or the ART.

Answer: Eva Salmeron, artist (a member of mmmm ...)

Strengths: Just spent a couple of hours there. I saw very similar to previous years. I noticed that there was a cycle of performances, but I could not attend any of them. I was surprised the roof of the new halls ... I find interesting some of the parasites that develop parallel to Arco independently. I attended a dinner with people rather curious motley connected with the show ...

Weaknesses: As always: lots of trash.

Proposals: A fair is fair, as its name indicates. I guess it's difficult if you're a fair, be something else.

Answer: Laura Romero, an artist.

Strengths: The strengths were digital, like the Russian artist DOU, or Vanessa Beecroft, the Italian gallery "Rumman. In Brazil I found surprising. An example, Laura Erber, gallery art novembro. English galleries, mostly phenomenal.

Weaknesses: The worst, many works that border on bad taste and provocative. In many cases do not consider it necessary. It's the easy. There are many other ways to get attention.

Proposals: It was the first time q was on Saturday and was too crowded. Impossible to walk. I propose to extend the deadline.

Answer: Antonio Macias, an economist and artist, president of the Elf Foundation Genius.

Strengths: A significant improvement in distribution logistics i spaces.

Weaknesses: Repetition of many artists, including works, which causes a certain boredom, lack of originality and new proposals and / or innovative and imaginative creations.

Proposals: Forget the controversy of English galleries. It should raise a broader and more open and think only of the interests of art, its dissemination and prestige of a English fair.

Answer: Angel Haro, artist.

Strengths: space and communication. Because they have created a social impact than other years. As an event remains at.

Weaknesses: The overflow crowd that has nothing to do with the sector. And the media stands and institutional (Country, ABC, regional governments, foundations, etc ...) and the expulsion of English galleries supposed benefit of internationalization. The presentation in London on the "home" Foster had a pretty tuff leg. Who is Foster to give the nod to ARCO?

Proposals: If it is true that there are problems of space, stands should not admit that they were not galleries. Foundations, public and private institutions and major newspapers that do not have a place in a fair market boasts. It is an anachronism that could operate at first but now it makes no sense. I also think, as Eduardo Arroyo said that the galleries should abandon a show they do not want, but offering assistance to other foreign expenses paid. (Spain puts everything at the touch of grant). Maybe more should be supported to ART MADRID and consolidate it as a good English art fair. exhibits


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