I ran to the habitaciony I sat at the foot of the bed, I did a hobillo and began to mourn.
I hurt all over my body.
As Justin had told me that I had said and as he had spoken to me.
That also hurt me.
I wanted.
And though he wished me the same way I do, the safest, is to follow him wanting. I was also sure I would not say anything or do anything to that Justin likes me, if I wanted or could help loving me serious because he loves me not because I force you to love me.
Then someone knocked at the door.
I buried my face in my knees and said nothing.
But no, they entered.
By the sound that made my friends assumed it would be.
Notice how all sat next to me and hugged me. Was Nessa.
I was not crying but still I was sad and throws powder.
"Come on, what happened cuantanos .- Selena said.
With hoarse voice and a whisper mourn them Justin told her what I had said and what I had said and what I had learned from the "conversation" we had understood.
"That you have hurt .- Nessa said leaving me to sit well.
"No hospitals have to imagine .- I said, already beginning to recover his voice.
.- "Well, you know that Demi said putting on a ski jump .- Do not retaliate. But the traditional way.
"And what is the traditional way of revenge? - Asked Selena.
"Well we will suffer .- Demi said as if lashed proud of something or some plan, they met, was the safest, in what I was thinking at this very moment.
And in what way? - Ask me.
"Well there's a super mega beach party, but it is luxury that even have a platform for girls in high heels can go. And the way of revenge will make it more beautiful than Jennifer can and Justin dies of grief for having echo Jenifer suffer.
"I think a good idea .- Selena said getting up.
"And to me .- Nessa said imitating them .- And you, what do you think Jen? - Nessa said stretching a hand in my direction.
"I think he deserves it .- said trying to smile.
"Well get to work.
All I began to get right makeup and hair to choose among the thousands that Selena had brought to this trip "if the situation demanded it."
After three hours we were all ready. Demi
got this dress, shoes and belt with flower hair while some front rocogia:

Nessa got this dress, these shoes and this film so beautiful for the head:

Selena got this dress, shoes and this ornament for the head:
And finally me. Digeron that I had to go so the best with this dress, shoes, necklace and earrings, and this collected hair with the ornament would be like "Justin avenge us"
We were guapissimas. We seemed
preincesas of a fairy tale or something like that.
-Demi You think that would work? - I asked as I smoothed the dress veil before the mirror.
"If that is not you, spellbound watching you dont know what else.
"Well let's go! .- Nessa said as he walked to the door.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^
Is that the subject is a bit small but did not have much inspiration.
`I hope some comments ^ ^
ps: if you want you can leave me a comment on your story and delighted the reading and the committee recommends an entry.
many kisses again
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