¡¡¡¡¡¡ Queeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
was that I did not believe .....
After so many years now I want to take God ..... ......
The woman, Isabelle, approached me with a smile from ear to ear.
"You need not necessarily come .- Isabelle said with a soft voice.
In my eyes began to create a thin layer of tears that I could not hold for long and began to slide down my cheeks. Justin
pounced on me and hugged me tightly.
"Do not cry .- Justin mite me back.
-Si .- said in a whisper. Justin
turned from me leaving me exposed. All those present looked at me weird face. As if he had said something stupid, which was likely for your ears but for me it was one of the best things in the world.
"If I want to take me .- I said so softly that I myself heard me speak.
Isabelle But it seemed that if you listen because he came running up to me and gave me a big hug. "Thanks honey
.- tmabien she said with tears in his eyes.
-No. Thank you .- tambine I hugged her tight.
When I spent a while Isabelle and I parted then Ryan came to hug me.
"I am delighted that you haceptado .- Ryan said hugging me.
I could not believe it .... After all this time porfiin would have a mother and a father ..... A family ..... Tears flooded my eyes again but pure real felicity.
Justin returned to hug and I almost broke a rib another way.
"But .... I do not want to leave Just beside .....- said, her voice a little hoarse.
"We know why we bought the house next door, so you can be at his side.
!!!!!!- -VERY MUCH I screaming and throwing the arms of my new parents.
"Well enjoy the day while Ryan and I are going to sign the papers so that you can take .- Isabelle said with a perfect smile.
"If you want to show a cosa. Justin said to me in the ear.
adoptibos My parents went and I stayed there alone with Justin.
That was great.
have a family ....
and Justin would be by my side
This was great ..... Justin
me back to embrace and Pattie joined our group hug.
I turn and look Pattie.
-Muchissimas by Pattie. Thank you for caring over the years and find me a family does not know how I appreciate it. Really thank you very much
Pattie hug me really hard.
"There's no heaven, I've always been like a daughter so do not
M and felt happier than at that moment. Jen
"Come, go clothing that we spend a day just like old times. "But Justin
Not You have nothing to fans or anything?
-Po nada.Asenti happen one day strongly and went to my room to dress. I shower to freshen up before a day as hot as it was today. Duespues to relax in the shower, wet hair leave me to get my dry up the air and got a panatalones jeans shorts with a shirt that had given me as a promotion of his film.

I put it just for the simple reason that I loved the color purple. It would be the first time I put it as Justin had given me as his size and I went a little too big.
I put on a headband and straighten my bangs so I would not qedara messy as trying to pass a time with Justin Bieber never knew how it would the situation, whether on the cover of a magazine or a television program. I put my converse lilac and vaje in the living room where I was sitting Justin, rather stretched on the couch. Was all by watching a program in which, of course, were talking about him.
"Today, after fifteen days, Justin Bieber has returned to Los Angeles. According to some pictures and some videos Justin went this week vacation to Bora-Bora to celebrate the birthday of her friend Jennifer. It is known that Justin suffered a small acciedente and I was in like a few days, hope you are well since the first week of September, which is within fifteen days, is good for the tour. Here we leave them with the few images that have been able to get your holiday.
started to happen is some pictures of us on the beaches but it was from a distance, thanks to Justin had helped in the area where we moved had no paparazzi. I thanked him. Justin
was much of my presence and stood up. When you look at me and see a sonrrisa esvozo T.
"I like eating you have left. "Thanks .-
note as I would be red.
-------- Hi!
k sta already a little short but I want to next scene is all in one go, sorry for the lateness in posting but I am at exam time.
Like the previous chapter k until it reaches the 5 coments no kisses
February 1
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