Thursday, January 6, 2011

Does Dahvie Vanity Like Fat Chicks

First day of Chiquinquira Delgado on Despierta America, Univision Network program in Miami USA

The Venezuelan entertainer more specifically from Zulia state on Monday joined the team from Raul Gonzalez and was amazing to an audience that will appreciate the talent and beauty of the Venezuelan

"Venezuelans need to have our voice heard: internationalized", this was what he said several weeks ago Chiquinquirá Delgado from his home in Miami, and to date, only three days of 2011, and is serving his Maracaibo word.

On Monday the 38 year old cheerleader debuted on the Univision program "Despierta America" \u200b\u200band looked radiant in a red dress, leopard print high heels and a smile that managed to conquer most a faithful follower of the program.

"Chiqui ", as he is known fondly in Venezuela, joined the team of Raul Gonzalez, Karla Martinez, Poncho de Anda and Neida Sandoval in a program that is testing in 2011 changes in relation to the classic format that had been bringing.



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